Christmas delights and diet – is it really worth it !?

Christmas delights and diet – is it really worth it !?

Why Holidays have to be the time in which we begin our fight over our weight or go on strict diet? Why we try to limit ourselves precisely during the holiday season? Do you think holding a diet at that time will compensate for losses due to the lack of your commitment over the last 50 weeks? The answer is: no.

Do not be that “weird guy” that tells everyone that he would not eat traditional dishes, because he wants to be “healthy.” What does it really mean healthy? Trying a piece of poppy seed cake and eating cabbage with mushrooms will not destroy your health and physique. If you will remember to restraint yourself, find the time in between to go for a family walk, that time certainly will influence very positively you and the people surrounding you.

Seeing someone’s athletic figure in a magazine or on the Internet we should be thinking – so good looking certainly is a person who enjoys good health. Are they really? The fact that you spend hours at the gym and follow the so-called  “Pure diet” does not mean that you are healthy. For the average human being maybe this type of person is the epitome of health – but aesthetically – and what about the emotional side !? Let us not forget that to be fully happy and  “healthy” we need that piece as well.

Let’s be reasonable, let’s not get crazy, let us rejoice and exult time spent together with loved ones.
Merry and Healthy Christmas!
